My plans with this website... and social media?
Where I talk about my plans and rant a small bit about social media.
I wanted to lay down what I had planned for this website.
Basically, the idea is to keep updating this constantly. Like the homepage says, this website is always a WIP. I’d like to blog as much as I can, and make devlogs consistently.
I hope this website not only serves as a central place for all my stuff, but also helps me stay away more from social media and its toxicity. I’ve noticed my interactions with social media have become increasingly stressful? Enraging? Not sure how I’d phrase it. I know this isn’t a surprise to anyone, not even to me, but in Twitter especially. It’s full of hatred that it basically forces me to interact with/view. I also found myself looking more for interactions, views, numbers. I felt bad if a post underperformed (which most did, tbh).
My experience with this whole “personal web” thing is basically null but I’m starting to find more of these cool websites* that aren’t owned by huge corporations making me their product. I hope this site is interesting or maybe even useful to at least one person, but if not, I’m fine with this just being a small place where I can escape from social media.
Btw, don’t expect the most thoughtful or deep posts coming from me. I’m not a very good writer or a very introspective person and while I hope this blogging thing helps improve both of those skills, I still won’t wouldn’t expect much from this little posts.
*Some of the aforementioned “cool websites”:
- Joelchrono - Friend of mine and one of the inspirations for this very website.
- sirmilkman - Extremely cool person and gamedev (thanks for helping me steal from your site).
- Dazlog - Also an inspiration for this website, and great gamedev and artist.
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